Hey; I know you're like where is mistake number 7. Don't worry, I posted onto my website so you can go and read that when you get a moment.
But here is mistake number 6. Google does not allow multiple instances of the same URL under the same keywords within their paid search results. If you are advertising the URL:www.wealthyaffiliate.com and another advertiser is advertising the same url, Google will show just one ad.
Finish reading Adwords mistake number 6 here
the PPC Consultant
AdWords Mistake # 8

Many people go in blind. Blind to knowing how much you should bid per keyword. When trying to get traffic to your site you need to use the Google Traffic Estimator to help you determine how much you should bid per keyword.
Many times if your CPC (cost-per-click) is too low, your position will be greater than 10 and you will not be on the first page of search results.
Finish this blog here ---> Click here for AdWords # 8 great mistake
#9 Adwords Mistake
Non-Targeted Keywords:
If you are advertising a service like legal services online, you may be inclined to use keywords such as: attorney, law firm, legal help...
The problem with these keywords is that they receive a lot of traffic, which incurs a lot of advertising costs, but the traffic does not convert into sales. The reason is because the keywords are not targeted enough.
For example, if you are promoting a program like Wealthy Affiliate using make money, work from home, affiliate marketing, keywords, it is probable that the visitors do not know what they are looking for. They may take note of Wealthy Affiliate, but chances are they will not be ready to buy...thus lowering your chances of conversions.
You need to make sure that your keywords are highly targeted to what you are selling. For example, "affiliate marketing Help", or "Make Money Affiliate Marketing" would be better choices to replace the keywords mentioned above. The more targeted your keywords are to your product, the better the conversions will be.
So don't make the mistake thousands make in not targeting their keywords. Even if you do convert; you'd be paying way too much per conversion rate.
PPC Consultant
If you are advertising a service like legal services online, you may be inclined to use keywords such as: attorney, law firm, legal help...
The problem with these keywords is that they receive a lot of traffic, which incurs a lot of advertising costs, but the traffic does not convert into sales. The reason is because the keywords are not targeted enough.
For example, if you are promoting a program like Wealthy Affiliate using make money, work from home, affiliate marketing, keywords, it is probable that the visitors do not know what they are looking for. They may take note of Wealthy Affiliate, but chances are they will not be ready to buy...thus lowering your chances of conversions.
You need to make sure that your keywords are highly targeted to what you are selling. For example, "affiliate marketing Help", or "Make Money Affiliate Marketing" would be better choices to replace the keywords mentioned above. The more targeted your keywords are to your product, the better the conversions will be.
So don't make the mistake thousands make in not targeting their keywords. Even if you do convert; you'd be paying way too much per conversion rate.
PPC Consultant
Top Ten AdWords Mistakes
I thought I would devise a list of the top ten mistakes people make when they decide to go online and create a AdWords PPC campaign to promote their business or affiliate product. So we'll start at number 10 day and work our way down.
Top ten mistakes people make with Google AdWords:
#10 - Too Many Ads when Split Testing
Split testing allows you to run more than one ad for an ad group to help you find out which ad copy performs better. In other words, to identify the ad that entices searchers to click more frequently. Split testing should only be done using two ads and no more. This way you can determine which ad performs better. You want to treat split testing as a contest, or even a competition. The better performing ad gets to move on to the next round, while the lower gets replaced by a new competitor.
Limit the number of ads you are running per ad group to two ads when split testing! Keep it at 2 ads and perhaps every 100 to 300 clicks, delete the losing ad and replace it with another to challenge the winner. It's that simple. Lots of people and SEM companies are doing split testing with 15 different ads. This is slightly ridiculous; and they do this because new soft wares help create like 20 different ads at one time - but in reality just 2 ads going head-to-head is ideal. See ya soon for #9. Thanks for reading.
PPC Consultant
Exact, Phrases, or Broad Keywords

I'm trying to gain some understanding into how Google Adwords works with respect to broad, phrase, and exact matching when different bids are on the three types of matches.
wealthy affiliate: 0.25
[wealthy affiliate]: 0.15
wealthy affiliate marketing: 0.10If a searcher enters the exact phrase, wealthy affiliate, and an ad is shown; will one be charged 15 cents or 25 cents? In general, does it make sense to use all three match types if the broad search term is bid higher than the phrase or exact search term?
The Consultant's reply...
You'd be charged .15 cents or less (depending on quality score) because they typed in 'wealthy affiliate'
Now if they typed 'I wish I was wealthy and an affiliate' - you'd be charged .25 or so (depending on QS among other things), because of the broad use of your keyword 'wealthy affiliate'
Now as far as your wealthy affiliate marketing keyword; if you have it in quotes and in brackets you'll show up for it as follows (if typed into the Google search bar)
broad = make money marketing wealthy affiliate
quotes = help with wealthy affiliate marketing
exact = wealthy affiliate marketing
That is how you'll show up if it's typed in this way and you have that phrase as all three match types...
Just remember as the diagram on the right shows, broad is the big bucket; it picks up everything, phrase next, and exact last.
Antonio Dannes
Ps: Learn all this and more with a membership with Wealthy Affiliate
The Consultant's reply...
You'd be charged .15 cents or less (depending on quality score) because they typed in 'wealthy affiliate'
Now if they typed 'I wish I was wealthy and an affiliate' - you'd be charged .25 or so (depending on QS among other things), because of the broad use of your keyword 'wealthy affiliate'
Now as far as your wealthy affiliate marketing keyword; if you have it in quotes and in brackets you'll show up for it as follows (if typed into the Google search bar)

broad = make money marketing wealthy affiliate
quotes = help with wealthy affiliate marketing
exact = wealthy affiliate marketing
That is how you'll show up if it's typed in this way and you have that phrase as all three match types...
Just remember as the diagram on the right shows, broad is the big bucket; it picks up everything, phrase next, and exact last.
Antonio Dannes
Ps: Learn all this and more with a membership with Wealthy Affiliate
broad match,
exact match,
keyword phrases,
phrase match
Improve My CTR

Hey there; got this question the other day.
Hi Antonio, I need some help here if possible!
I have a campaign up and running for the first time on Adwords...I'm having problems trying to increase my CTR on the campaign.
Here are the stats -
Clicks 39Impressions 7,075
CTR 0.55%
Avg. CPC €0.18Avg.
CPM €1.00
Total Cost €7.07
Conversion Rate 48.72%
Cost per Conversion €0.37
Total Conversions 19
Even though I am getting a bad CTR to my landing pages... my landing pages seems to be converting well with 49% clicking through to my merchants!However, I have not made a sale yet and I'm guess coz I have only gotten 39 clicks so far..
Where on average I need to be getting 100 clicks to hopefully make a 1% conversion rate and complete a sale.So what can I do to improve my CTR...? I seem to be doing everything right! With regards to optimizing all ad copy, ad groups and landing pages and using very targeted product keywords!I'm split testing ads also... but anyways... I'm running out of ideas...please help...
Thanks Antonio,
Click here to get the remedy for this problem...
Good AdCopy Method

That may mean getting a down, surefire method for your ad copy.
A good ad copy method is something you should work hard to perfect if you haven't developed one yet. There are all kinds of ways to write good ad copy; one of which I read in a forum went something like this.
If you want to make sure you have good ad copy this is a good method: - once-per-day for 7 days, you could do a Google search on a competitor's similar product to yours. You would then take a screenshot of the search results which are showing the 1st page of ad results.
You would then save the screen shot as a .jpg or whatever then after a week, look at the 7 pics and see which ad copy was consistently on the 1st page results for that product.
You then do what is called a "swipe" - simply tailor your ad copy to look very similar to consistent ad copies on the first page (that were there all week). Now keep in mind, this assumes that they're getting good conversion rates because they're always on the first page, they are profitable because of their consistency.
But even if it is not, it's a way you can test different styles of ad copy that competitors are using on the 1st page search results. This does take time and effort - and like many things out these days there is a software that can do this whole process for you. It's calls KeyWord Elite.
If you enjoy microwaves buy Keyword Elite; if you are satisfied with ovens use this ad copy method immediately.
Antonio D.
PPC Consultant
AdWords is still Marketing

What do I mean by that? I mean that to do AdWords correctly you have to have a marketing foundation - and marketing is by definition.
Marketing ----> Market - You find a population in a certain market, for example shoes.
Shoes or footwear is the market. Now there may be niches within this market (example; blue shoes, church shoes, women shoes, etc). We are going to focus on the market.

Keyword research:
basketball shoes
Reebok basketball shoes
Nike basketball shoes
air Jordan basketball shoes
find Reebok hoop shoes
Get Reebok Basketball Shoes
Wide variety of shoes for basketball
See our collection & special discount
In marketing you are putting a service or product that the individual was in NEED of in front of them; thus you market them. You have to first think like your market - then give them what they were thinking about.
AdWords is not going to do that for you. You have to do that on your own; however AdWords will be a vehicle to get that done faster for you.
the PPC Consultant
How to Set up an Adwords Account
I thought I would post this as an example of how to properly set up an ad group. I've watched companies that manage AdWords accounts for clients do this incorrect. For those of you who don't know how to set up an AdWords account, I highly recommend you do so like this if you are having problems with a low CTR.
This technique below is called the "Common Word Technique". Here's an example of how to set things up.
Campaign Name: Wealthyaffiliate.com
Ad Group Name: "Make Money"
make money at home
[make money at home]
"make money at home"
make money business
[make money business]
"make money business"
make money from home
[make money from home]
"make money from home"
make money internet
[make money internet]
"make money internet"
make money online
[make money online]
"make money online"
Make Money From Home
Want To Make Extra Money?
Learn How I make $1000 / Day
Please make sure you implement these techniques before setting it live. For more details on how to properly set up an AdWords account; these are highly recommended sources:
Beating AdWords which is specific to AdWords and Perry Marshall (take his 5 day free email course).
the PPC Consultant
This technique below is called the "Common Word Technique". Here's an example of how to set things up.
Campaign Name: Wealthyaffiliate.com
Ad Group Name: "Make Money"
make money at home
[make money at home]
"make money at home"
make money business
[make money business]
"make money business"
make money from home
[make money from home]
"make money from home"
make money internet
[make money internet]
"make money internet"
make money online
[make money online]
"make money online"
Make Money From Home
Want To Make Extra Money?
Learn How I make $1000 / Day
Please make sure you implement these techniques before setting it live. For more details on how to properly set up an AdWords account; these are highly recommended sources:
Beating AdWords which is specific to AdWords and Perry Marshall (take his 5 day free email course).
the PPC Consultant
Relevant (Boston Celtics)

You go back and forth about the Celtics, the people standing by can join that conversation by simply speaking about something about the Boston Celtics and you'd probably comfortably listen to what they have to say.
But if someone joined in talking about Michael Jackson's Thriller album, EVERYONE at the bus stop will say, "who is the guy on drug here?" You have to keep the conversation relevant. A salesman has a higher chance at eavesdropping the Boston Celtic conversation and possibly sell you a ticket to the game, a jersey, a basketball card, etc., all because he had something that was relevant to the conversation.
AdWords works the same way. A user queries the Google search bar for 'Boston Celtics' you ad should talk about the Boston Celtics and everything that has to do with the
Boston Celtics. Relevancy is king in this domain. Keep your keywords, ad groups, ads, and landing page all relevant to the search query; and you will find the pot of gold.

Creating an Adwords Campaign
Setting up a campaign is the first step in getting traffic to your site, but you need to make sure you have a Google Adwords account. If you don't, please go back to step one and set up your account by logging into your Adwords account and click the button that says "create new campaign: Keyword Targeted".
Follow the on-screen instructions and set up your campaign. You can set your daily budget to whatever you feel comfortable spending each day and we suggest you actually set it a bit higher as Google is unlikely to reach this limit.
You will be asked to create an ad. You can go ahead and create an advertisement for your product. You'll have to be creative with your text (Ad copy) because you are limited to a small number of characters.
In the destination url, you will enter the url that would be the landing page of your business or your affiliate destination you want (www.basementppc.com/learnadwords?diadka;e38r48) - and the display URL should be the root of the domain (ex. www.Basementppc.com). The actual text within your ad should contain the exact keywords that are within your ad group (I'll cover Adgroup Set-up in the next blog).
If you cannot add all the keywords into your ad, chances are your ad group is too big. People don't understand this; but it makes more money for you later. When you've finished entering the ad copy you will be asked to enter keywords. Enter the keywords from your ad group, making sure they are all relevant to your ad and product.
When finished you can review your ad, make changes, or save the ad. Congratulations, you've set up your first real advertising campaign. So what do you do with the "Bogus" campaign that you set up in the first place? You can either delete it, or edit it and make it into a real campaign.
Leave me a note if you have questions or visit my website at www.AntonioDannes.com/Storefront.html
Follow the on-screen instructions and set up your campaign. You can set your daily budget to whatever you feel comfortable spending each day and we suggest you actually set it a bit higher as Google is unlikely to reach this limit.
You will be asked to create an ad. You can go ahead and create an advertisement for your product. You'll have to be creative with your text (Ad copy) because you are limited to a small number of characters.
In the destination url, you will enter the url that would be the landing page of your business or your affiliate destination you want (www.basementppc.com/learnadwords?diadka;e38r48) - and the display URL should be the root of the domain (ex. www.Basementppc.com). The actual text within your ad should contain the exact keywords that are within your ad group (I'll cover Adgroup Set-up in the next blog).
If you cannot add all the keywords into your ad, chances are your ad group is too big. People don't understand this; but it makes more money for you later. When you've finished entering the ad copy you will be asked to enter keywords. Enter the keywords from your ad group, making sure they are all relevant to your ad and product.
When finished you can review your ad, make changes, or save the ad. Congratulations, you've set up your first real advertising campaign. So what do you do with the "Bogus" campaign that you set up in the first place? You can either delete it, or edit it and make it into a real campaign.
Leave me a note if you have questions or visit my website at www.AntonioDannes.com/Storefront.html
Getting Started with Adwords
I think this is an appropriate title since this is my very first blog. I want to welcome myself and you to the "ppc adwords consultant" blog.
Why are we here?
Online marketing medium known as Google Adwords is helping tons of average folks because pretty rich; either by using Google to advertise their business or products or by using it for affiliate marketing.
I hope to help you with whatever your goal is. Real quick who am I (visit here to learn about me) ? I'm just a marketer. I started out a business consultant for a large firm and didn't like corporate. So I left and learned marketing from two college internet marketing phenoms and started Dannes & Associates.
I am simply a PPC consultant. I look over accounts and tell you where to make suggestions. Getting started with adwords doesn't take much in-fact you can be live in from of millions of folks in a matter of 10 minutes.
I will show you how to set up an account that will will you friends ($$) -(money brings friends, unfortunately not the type of friends you always want). We'll do that tomorrow. If you can't wait, just go to my website at www.antoniodannes.com go to my contact page and fill it out and just say, "I can't wait," and you will be redirected to my first tutorial.
Have a ppc adwords day.
Why are we here?
Online marketing medium known as Google Adwords is helping tons of average folks because pretty rich; either by using Google to advertise their business or products or by using it for affiliate marketing.
I hope to help you with whatever your goal is. Real quick who am I (visit here to learn about me) ? I'm just a marketer. I started out a business consultant for a large firm and didn't like corporate. So I left and learned marketing from two college internet marketing phenoms and started Dannes & Associates.
I am simply a PPC consultant. I look over accounts and tell you where to make suggestions. Getting started with adwords doesn't take much in-fact you can be live in from of millions of folks in a matter of 10 minutes.
I will show you how to set up an account that will will you friends ($$) -(money brings friends, unfortunately not the type of friends you always want). We'll do that tomorrow. If you can't wait, just go to my website at www.antoniodannes.com go to my contact page and fill it out and just say, "I can't wait," and you will be redirected to my first tutorial.
Have a ppc adwords day.
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