
Exact, Phrases, or Broad Keywords

Hey; this is a question from a newsletter client:

I'm trying to gain some understanding into how Google Adwords works with respect to broad, phrase, and exact matching when different bids are on the three types of matches.

For example, assume the following keywords and bids:

wealthy affiliate: 0.25
"wealthy affiliate": 0.20
[wealthy affiliate]: 0.15
wealthy affiliate marketing: 0.10

If a searcher enters the exact phrase, wealthy affiliate, and an ad is shown; will one be charged 15 cents or 25 cents? In general, does it make sense to use all three match types if the broad search term is bid higher than the phrase or exact search term?

Also, if a search enters a broad search on the term, wealthy affiliate marketing, is one going to be charged for matching the more expensive wealthy affiliate?Thanks in advance for your replies.


The Consultant's reply...

You'd be charged .15 cents or less (depending on quality score) because they typed in 'wealthy affiliate'

Now if they typed 'I wish I was wealthy and an affiliate' - you'd be charged .25 or so (depending on QS among other things), because of the broad use of your keyword 'wealthy affiliate'
Now as far as your wealthy affiliate marketing keyword; if you have it in quotes and in brackets you'll show up for it as follows (if typed into the Google search bar)

broad = make money marketing wealthy affiliate

quotes = help with wealthy affiliate marketing

exact = wealthy affiliate marketing

That is how you'll show up if it's typed in this way and you have that phrase as all three match types...

Just remember as the diagram on the right shows, broad is the big bucket; it picks up everything, phrase next, and exact last.


Antonio Dannes

Ps: Learn all this and more with a membership with Wealthy Affiliate

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